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Poziţii: 1

Ţara: România

Oraş: Cluj-Napoca

Tip post: full time

Salariu: negociabil euro

Data expirării: 17/09/2011

Descriere job

Psihoselect runs the selection process for the position of.NET / C++ SOFTWARE DEVELOPER.
- analyzing, designing and implementing customer requirements
- responsible for developing applications using the .NET and C++ programming language
- responsible for overseeing the execution of software development from the conceptual phase to the testing phase
- building C# and C++ - based applications including creation of application layers, modeling techniques, designing object-oriented components and coding algorithms
- implementing unit tests
- documenting software implementations and tests
- providing technical support to our clients
- design and implementation as a member of a development team, giving support and guidance, sharing knowledge with other team members

Cerinţe job

- university degree (IT);
- 3 + years of .NET development experience;
- 1/2 - 1 + year(s) of C++ experience is highly desired;
- having experience working in a mixed C++/.NET environment is an advantage;
- experience in working with DevExpress WinForms components is an advantage;
- basic knowledge of UML is required;
- strong experience in SW development (whole software development life cycle);

Aplicaţi la acest job


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